Friday, March 26, 2010

Robert Culp

I don't mind saying that I am really struggling with this one. I think we all know Robert Culp. He's been in so many things and he is so much of a part of the small screen, you can't really pin him down to anything in particular. The popular obituary press really makes a big deal about I Spy. But I never really saw that show. I did watch Greatest American Hero quite a bit, but I don't have any specific recollections of Mr. Culp per se.

So, what do you do when your entire blog is about personal relevance, and there's nothing in particular that really moves you about the individual? You make something up.

I met Robert Culp while I was in college. Robert was in LA filming "Perry Mason:  The Case of the Defiant Daughter." He was blitzed out of his mind at a bar right around the corner from the studio. At the time, "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips was a huge hit. I remember Robert sang the Carnie Wilson part, I sang the Chyna Phillips part, and Ray Burr came rolling in -- which is really weird because "Ironside" had long since been canceled -- and he sang the Wendy Wilson part. It was a real hoot. Then, Robert puked all over himself, and things sort of wound down from there.

I think we'll all miss Robert. I certainly know I will, although my memories of him are a bit hazy. Best of luck to you Robert in your new role.

What do you want from me? It's Friday.

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