I almost started it when Natasha Richardson had the unfortunate sking accident, but I waited too long and the hype sort of blew over.
I'm sure there are sites like it, but in general there is no destination on the Web that really captures that moment when someone we all know -- or someone we are soon to know, passes on.
Morbid? Absolutely. Opportunistic? Guilty as charged. But I have long been a media scientist and artist, and I find all the fuss that happens quite fascinating.
So, anyhow, back to Mr. David Kellerman. It sort of feels to me, at face value, that the guy was holding the bag. Been at the company for 16 years and volunteered at the DC Homeless Coalition. Then again, he did get a spiffy $850,000 bonus last month. I'm sure we will find out more in the days to come, and he will probably go down as an evil genius of some sort.
Another tidbit you might not know. He was a Deke, which among other famous members, was Dan Quayle's fraternity.
And, being that he was from Freddie Mac and all, I just could not resist including this information.
"The Kellermann home, which has two floors above ground and a three-car garage, sits on the corner of Raleigh Hill Road and Brittenford Drive in picturesque Hunter Mill Estates, a neighborhood of single-family homes outside of Vienna, just over the border from Reston. According to Fairfax County tax records, Kellermann's home is assessed at $898,440."
My guess is that the heat was coming down hard on him, so he went and offed himself, which, man... I just can't imagine somebody doing that. But to each his own. Me? I would have taken the $850,000 (ok, like $500 K after taxes), and ran as far as I could. But, I guess in 2009 with the InterWeb and all, that is very hard to do.
Not sure how long these will be up, but here is his Linked-in Profile.
To quote my personal hero John Bender, "Demented and sad but social [media]."
ReplyDeleteDon't know why I recall this, but years ago I recall your hypothesis that somehow celebrities were dying off at an (alarmingly?) increasing rate since we seem to have more of them these days then ever before.
Let's just hope Stephan Hawking pulls through; http://www.mchawking.com/