[editor's note: When I heard about old Les, I put out an APB to all the axe men in my life. And, no I'm not talking about teen and pre-teen boys. One Brett Minieri answered the call, and wrote this baby like only a fellow guitarist could. Welcome to Celebituary, Brett]
Sure 92% of men and 101% of all women couldn't recognize Les Paul if he bludgeoned them over the head with a guitar bearing his very name. Doesn't matter. To truly gauge a man's life, you begin with his legacy. Like Einstein and Thomas Crapper, their contributions to society are far greater than any social (or celebrity) impact they may have had. Such is the case with LP.
As it happens, Les Paul had an incredibly prolific career and did many amazing things. Not one of which was more important than inventing the iconic single-cut electric 6-string instrument that would bear his name. By doing so he armed some of the greatest musicians and soon-to-be rock gods with one of the most important and influential tools in rock and roll history.
Can you visualize Jimmy Page prancing around on stage at MSG pretending some dinky Gretsch or Rickenbacker is his phallus? Of course not. Or the idea of Jeff Beck’s classic Wired being recorded with anything less than his ’58 Black top? Hells no. What about Joe Perry or Ace Frehley or Duane Allman or Slash…you get the idea.
Ever realize how many classic rock songs reference a “Les Paul?” At least a dozen…that shortlist includes bands like Aerosmith, Great White and Sammy Hagar just to name a few.
And one final piece of recognition for an often unnoticed contribution to rock/pop culture; it was he – not Cher or Madonna or Donovan to adopt a single name. And as far as being an icon…well even Prince’s “symbol” can’t touch Les Paul’s 9lb 6oz flamed mahogany beauty as a more singular symbol of what its like to truly be culturally relevant.
Did we know him intimately? No. Will we all miss his legacy? Absolutely, if not unknowingly.
R.I.P. Les Paul.
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