I have to say, for somebody who follows this stuff, the past two weeks have been as quiet as I can remember. Ever since the still simmering Carradine story, which was no doubt ironic and spectacular, the celebrity death train has crawled to a standstill. I mean, when Mia Farrow's brother is as good as it gets, well, you know it's slower than the economic recovery. I'll go out on a limb here and say that we will likely never see a two week span as quiet as this. I founded Celebituary as a growth business, and I really do believe that the numbers are on my side here, but only time will tell, home viewers, ...only time will tell.
While we are talking about dearth, ...not death, but dearth, I have to say that that the whole slowdown really played into Mr. Mcmahon's hands. Not that he was gunning for a cherry on top of his decorated career. I'm just saying that when you are the ultimate sidekick, another fifteen minutes ain't a bad way to go. I'm not sure why I'm so callous this morning. But here's my point. Dom Deluise was really a blip on the radar, but it all had to do with relative competition. Dom was sandwiched in between Jack Kemp and Chuck Daily. For McMahon, being the sort of comedian he was, timing was everything.
Well, for me, McMahon was all about Star Search. That was really his first lead role, when he stepped into the spotlight. Now, granted, he had to share the spotlight with contestants like the up and coming Justin Timberlake, but make no mistake, Star Search was Ed's show. Here is something that was not his show. Although everyone thinks he did, Ed McMahon did NOT star in Publisher's Clearing House commercials. It was American Family. And believe you me, the PCH people will be more than happy to tell you as much.
Then there's the whole alcoholic thing, which dogged him his whole career. And, finally Ed became a rapper for Freecreditreport.com with that refreshing "see...it can happen to anyone" theme. Speaking of happening to anyone, Ed McMahon died in his sleep, which is not a bad way to go.
Phil Hartman -- who died in a far more spectacular fashhion -- why don't you take us on home?
Don't forget the lovely tribute site: http://www.hiyoooo.com/