Is it me or have there been far too many suicides of late? First, there was David Kellerman, then Lucy Gordon, and now this. And that's just the relatively famous people. In particular, the murder-suicide seems to be happening now more than ever. It's just a horrible way to go, and I personally don't see much honor in it at all. But that's just me.
Here is what the deceased had to say in his final words, literally copy and pasted straight from his computer, except it was translated, naturally:
I was a burden to too many people.
So many people have suffered greatly because of me.
I cannot even imagine how much more sufferings will come. The rest of my life
I will only be a burden to others.
Because my health has worsened, I can’t do anything. I can’t even read a book or write anything.
Don’t be too sad. Aren’t life and death
all part of nature? Don’t be sorry.
Don’t blame anyone. This is fate.
Cremate my body. And leave a small tombstone near my home.
I have thought about this for a long time.
The spirit of this blog is to focus on what the person meant to me, and in this case, I am sad to say, not much. It's yet another person who I only know about in death rather than in life. In this specific case, I need to be a bit more worldly. But, it's a big world and I betcha anything that you, dear reader, did not know much about this man, either.
OK, well what more can I find out about this man. This article, with an annoyingly pro-American slant, was written at the time of his inauguration. If you want a (probably biased) look at how things worked out in his first year, there's a book all about it.
But, as we all know by now, things didn't work out so well after all. It all comes down to a guy who seemed to be morally all right, but got his hand (or, possibly his wife's hand) caught in the cookie jar. Now, it seems like the charges have been dropped. Mission accomplished?
You are soooo copping out on your blog babe!! Bad boy!!